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Wonderfully Hand-Crafted by God

The powerful meaning behind being fearfully and wonderfully made

When we look at ourselves in the mirror, most of us don’t like the reflection staring back at us. Unfortunately, many of us have misconceived notions of what makes someone beautiful, acceptable or special, partly because of what others have said about us or our culture’s standard of beauty that may shape our own opinion of ourselves. But if we are to truly understand who we are, we must turn to the One who designed us, our Creator, God the Father. Who does God say that we are?

"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful,

I know that full well."

Psalm 139: 13-14

In Psalm 139, David praises God for being “fearfully and wonderfully made.” Are these just beautiful poetic words or is there truth behind David's statement? What exactly does it mean to be fearfully and wonderfully made? The word “wonderfully” in Hebrew is the word “pala,” which means to be separate, distinguished or unique. Before the foundation of the earth and before you were even formed in your mother’s womb, God knew you and created you in His image and likeness for a divine purpose. What’s even more unfathomable is that no two human beings in the entire history of mankind are exactly the same. Modern day science confirms each one of us has our own unique fingerprint, DNA coding and retina scan, reinforcing God’s infinite mind and ability. Therefore, if every single person is a one-of-a-kind creation, we are a priceless masterpiece that God has thoughtfully designed. We are wonderful because we are the wonderful work of His hands.

The word “fearfully” in this passage comes from the Hebrew word “yare,” which translates to “fearing the Lord.” This of course doesn’t mean to live in constant worry that you will be reprimanded by God, but rather to have a respect and reverence for God. This is precisely what David demonstrates in Psalm 139 when he contemplates how intricately God has made him and in awe and wonder, he praises Him for His wonderful works. Like David, we are to have a humble and thankful heart for all that God has blessed us with including our physical body and our God-given gifts and talents. We are to praise God and give Him all the glory, honour and praise that is rightfully due to Him, for everything we are comes from the source of who He is.

There is real power and authority that comes from knowing that we are fearfully and wonderfully made; a reflection of God and the apple of His eye. Unfortunately, many of us don’t embrace this reality and instead of praising God, we criticize ourselves. But when we criticize our appearance, our abilities or our very identity, we are actually insulting God's design and criticizing who He made us to be. Never believe the lie that you are anything less than the most wonderful reflection of the most glorious God, who didn’t make any mistakes when He created you. Embrace the qualities that make you uniquely you and live in gratefulness thanking God for the very breath in your lungs and all of the blessings He's bestowed upon you. That way, the next time you look in the mirror and begin thinking negative thoughts about yourself, you can confidently declare that you are fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of the Most High God!


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