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New Every Morning

Accept God's gift of mercy each and every day.

Since the start of the pandemic, most of us can attest to feeling weary and weighed down by the circumstances we’re personally facing and the events that are playing out in our world today. We may find ourselves in a difficult season—perhaps the most difficult season—and our hearts are burdened by the continual stream of bad news that we hear day after day. It’s certainly hard not to succumb to depression or hopelessness, feeling like our situation will never get better but there is a compassionate and merciful God who looks down in love and calls us to run to Him for comfort.

“Because of the Lord’s faithful love

we do not perish,

for his mercies never end.

They are new every morning;

Great is your faithfulness!”

Lamentations 3:22-23

We find one of the most uplifting Bible verses in the most unlikely of places—in the Book of Lamentations. To lament is to feel intense sorrow or grief, especially to the point of sobbing or wailing. In Lamentations, we read about the reality of the pain and grief that resulted from Israel’s disobedience toward God and the tragic destruction of Jerusalem and its temple. Despite the abysmal backdrop of despair that rings through the majority of this text, a glimmer of hope begins to shine when the author turns away from his miserable circumstance and chooses to focus on the mercy and loving kindness of God. Even though our circumstances or suffering may be different from that of the Israelites, we are reminded that devastating things can happen to us but in our brokenness, wandering, fear and unbelief, God’s mercy and faithfulness are sure, just like the dawning of the sun. Every morning is a new, fresh outpouring of His mercy and grace.

Apart from God, we would all live miserable and defeated lives without hope for better days to come. We may feel so hopeless that we may not even want to draw the curtains or get out of bed, but regardless of whether you choose to open the blinds or not, God’s love and forgiveness are available to you—His light is waiting to be let in. Maybe you feel far away from God, unworthy of forgiveness, overburdened or in a very dark place. Instead of running away from God, call out to Him. Out of His great love and faithfulness, He will hear you and help you. When we choose to shift our mindset and focus on God’s goodness instead of our seemingly hopeless situation, we can begin to pull ourselves out of the pit of despair. When we focus on God instead of our problems, we can find hope and strength to carry us through the day. With God, we can rest our head at night knowing that even though we may have had a hard day today, He will fill us afresh with new mercies tomorrow.


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