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God Keep Our Land

A prayer for Canada

On this Canada Day, we celebrate what a great blessing it is to live in this beautiful, prosperous land. But as Christians, it’s not hard to see that our nation has drifted away from its dependence on the Lord and we have largely strayed from doing what is good and pleasing in His eyes. In His Word, God is clear about how a nation receives His blessing. We are instructed to come before Him in humility, praying on behalf of our country, identifying its sins and confessing them. God has promised forgiveness and healing to the nations that turn away from their wicked ways and seek God’s face in humility and repentance. So today, we offer to God this prayer on behalf of Canada:

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for the freedoms and liberties that have been afforded to us as citizens of this great and beautiful country that you have given us. We come before you today in humility and repentance asking for you to restore our land and to keep it glorious and free. It is our desire that all of Canada comes to know and fear the Lord and that all its inhabitants recognize your holy sovereignty and stand in awe of you.

Reveal yourself to those who do not yet know you or have turned away from you. May they recognize their need for your saving grace in their lives and seek your face. Help us to be a nation that desires purity and seeks to do what is good and right in your eyes. Embolden your church to be salt and light in this land and send forth the people called by your name to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout this country and reap a plentiful harvest for your Kingdom.

We pray that our Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will seek Your wisdom and counsel in all his actions on behalf of this country. Let all judges, Parliamentary leaders and elected officials preserve justice according to Your statutes and faithfully serve this country with honour and integrity.

Heal all divisions and bring genuine reconciliation to the races and cultures of this nation. Remove long held prejudices, hatreds and hurts and replace them with Your peace, healing and unconditional love.

Protect and restore our families. Return the sanctity of marriage to its rightful place of honour in our country. Let our earthly fathers fulfill their God-given role as leader, provider and protector of their households. Strengthen all mothers and grant them the grace and wisdom to serve and nurture their families with excellence.

We pray that our children will come to know You as Lord and Saviour early in their lifetime. Give them godly teachers to encourage them and raise them up in the knowledge and understanding of who you are. May our school systems teach sound doctrine rooted in your Word and unashamedly promote a Biblical worldview grounded in truth.

Fiercely protect the unborn, who are fearfully and wonderfully made by you. Rescue them from the atrocity and violent death of abortion. Convict hearts of transgression, forgive and heal those who repent of committing abortion. Provide provision, courage and hope for all those who are contemplating abortion that they may find strength in you.

Stir up our hearts to have compassion on the sick, poor and the hurting. Restore our communities to safety and prosperity. We break all cycles of poverty, sickness, addiction, mental illness, brokenness and despair in Jesus’ name. We proclaim prosperity, healing, freedom, a sound mind, peace and joy over them now.

Shield and deliver Canada from the wiles of the enemy including occultism, New Age beliefs, false religions and secret societies. Reverse the trends of humanism and socialism in our nation.

Now to Him who is able to keep us from falling, and to present us faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, to the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever.



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